Tag Archives: supernatural

Somnambulant Stories 22: “The Unplanned Party”

. > I turned off the TV, took my meds, brushed my hair and combed my teeth and dragged my big, fat lazy body into bed, pulling out my book du jour and surprise, surprise- before I knew it, I … Continue reading

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Somnambulant Stories 21: “Go Ahead and Feed the Zombies”

. Considering all the interest in “The Last of Us”, I thought I would once again offer up this little gem: > I got some new neighbors. They’re okay, I guess. The first zombies to move into the neighborhood. Can’t … Continue reading

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Somnambulant Stories 19: “Not Mine! I Had a Vasectomy!”

. > All day long, I kept thinking I gear… I dunno… snuffling sounds? Muted gurgles sometimes, and maybe… gasping? It was the weirdest thing. . I was watching late night TV and between my own laughter at Stephen Colbert’s … Continue reading

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Somnambulant Stories 18: “MY LIFE: The Musical!”

. > Don’t you friggin’ HATE IT when the last song you hear gets stuck in your head and you just can’t kick the damn thing out? . It’s even worse if that last song was a really, really, really … Continue reading

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FLIX PIX (1291): “SOUL Has Got Soul to Spare”

SOUL (directed by Pete Docter & Kemp Powers, 2020) ****+ (out of 5) . > Pixar delivers again, with another colorful, heartfelt, big-hearted rumination on love in its many incarnations. . There was very little drama at Hollywood’s Big Night, when … Continue reading

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Somnambulant Stories 17: “Surfing an Indoor Tsunami”

. > I dreamt I was in a phone booth… Remember those? Shows what a living fossil I am! . So, I’m making a call about a plumbing problem at the hacienda, when I noticed water on the floor. Quite … Continue reading

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Somnambulant Stories 16: “I Got Me to a Nunnery”

. > I am always happy to be dreaming, because it means… I am asleep! . I don’t sleep much. So even if it’s a nightmare I am dreaming- bring it on, baby! . In this instance I was dreaming … Continue reading

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Somnambulant Stories 15: “Sleep, Interrupted (or: The Last Thing He Wanted to Do)”

. > Tossing and turning and tossing and turning and tossing and turning and tossing and FINALLY flirting with actual slumber… and there is a knock on my door! . In that hypnogogic state between wakefulness and sleep, I wasn’t … Continue reading

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Somnambulant Stories 14: “Hair in the Hot Tub”

. > I cannot remember the last time I had a decent night’s sleep. Insomnia is the nightly dragon I must slay. . So I jumped at the chance to go keep the fires lit at my buddy Jim’s cabin … Continue reading

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Somnambulant Stories 13: “This Means WAR!”

. > I was sleeping! That’s an achievement. Must have been sleeping, because I was dreaming: . I dreamt about strolling slowly through a peaceful meadow on a gorgeous spring day. The sun was toasty warm and I didn’t have … Continue reading

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