Tag Archives: depression

“TODAY” (a poem by KPKeelan) [10-26-13]

. Sometimes I’m in a hurry to be done with it. Like many, I go on past exhaustion, beyond disillusionment, without the helpful mirage of hope, lacking a path to walk on. I grow weary of pretending there is any … Continue reading

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“HOW I’M FEELING” (a poem by KPKeelan) [10-19-13]

. pointless useless meaningless unneeded unwanted unappreciated hopeless useless hollow old damaged broken * © Kevin Paul Keelan and lastcre8iveiconoclast, 2022. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author is strictly prohibited. … Continue reading

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“WAVERING, ON MY EVENT HORIZON” (a poem by KPKeelan) [9-1-13]

. Never enough, it is a bottomless pit that cannot be filled- a sinkhole in my soul dragging me down sucking me into the muck. The will to live is strong in me so I resist for all I’m worth. … Continue reading

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“SITTING ALONE” (a poem by KPKeelan) [8-13-13]

. sitting alone  waiting to die  it’ll happen  soon enough and then i’ll be sorry i spent so much time sitting alone and waiting to die * (225/365) © Kevin Paul Keelan and lastcre8iveiconoclast, 2022. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of … Continue reading

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“ON, BEYOND NOTHING” (a poem by KPKeelan) [8-10-13]

. I really don’t have anything to say today. Said it all, I’m all tapped out. Quite used to it though- going on beyond nothing, pretending there is the slightest shred of hope. There isn’t. It’s an old programmer’s adage: … Continue reading

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“WHERE’S MY GUN? (I’m ‘merican, Dammit!)” (a poem by KPKeelan) [6-21-13]

. My brain longs for a bullet, craves one, yearns for it. It’s just done with this world. Every day another painful NO. YES is an alien idea expressed in a foreign tongue.  What’s this life for anyway? Are we … Continue reading

Posted in From 2013: Poems From a Turbulent Year | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

“TEETERING ON VISIBILITY” (a poem by KPKeelan) [5-30-13]

. So long I have trod this dark alley alone stalking my own shadow, wandering this hopeless landscape sniffing my way like a lost puppy blinded by neglect. Hoards of people pass me by taking no notice- barely a glance … Continue reading

Posted in From 2013: Poems From a Turbulent Year | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

“ANGRY MOURNER AT THE PARTY” (a poem by KPKeelan) [5-4-13]

. Welcome to my Pity Party! You are welcome!  C’mon in! (Tissues will be handed out at the door.) All cover-charges are waived and no one is turned away. But there’s one catch: You have to listen to me bitch … Continue reading

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“BIOLOGY, NOTHING MORE” (a poem by KPKeelan) [4-9-13]

. Another day. Ho-hum. I am alive… apparently. Such as it is. But that’s only biology- the pumping of blood, the respiration of oxygen. Not much more to it than that. Like most humans I am mostly untapped potential, wasted … Continue reading

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“TWO WRONGS” (a poem by KPKeelan) [3-14-13]

. I’m out here in the free world sun shining on my face a glorious day unfolding finding reasons to be miserable. It’s not hard to do. There are many. I lament my lot and yearn for something bigger taking … Continue reading

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