Tag Archives: Celtic culture

MY IRISH LASS (4): “Going” (by KPKeelan)

. Previously: The year is 1993. Despite being only the most rudimentary of acquaintances, a 36-year old misanthrope and a 20-year old cutie found themselves planning a joint adventure in Ireland, where his Mother lived. Certainly a huge leap of … Continue reading

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MY IRISH LASS (3): “From Dreams to Reality” (by KPKeelan)

. Altogether, I’ve been across the pond to visit Ireland 14 times. This manuscript covers my first two Irish sojourns. The first segment (MY IRISH LASS) covers the events, impressions and feelings of 17 quick but meaningful days in the … Continue reading

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MY IRISH DIARIES (2): Introduction: “Preconceptions” (by KPKeelan)

. Previously: Altogether, I’ve been across the pond to visit Ireland 14 times. This manuscript covers my first two Irish sojourns. The first segment (MY IRISH LASS) covers the events, impressions and feelings of 17 quick but meaningful days in … Continue reading

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MY IRISH DIARIES (1): “Travels Through Ireland, North & South: Forward/Just DO IT” (by KPKeelan)

. In my lucky life, I’ve managed to cross the big wet pond to visit Ireland 14 times. Halfway through the first trip I knew there was a book in it. I hope you agree. This serialized manuscript covers my … Continue reading

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IRISH RAMBLINGS: “Robin and Nell” (a Naughty and Politically Incorrect Irish Rhyme)

* (I learned this from Irish traditional storyteller, master shanachie  Jim Nolan, at Tully’s Pub in Carlow Town. Enjoy!) . Far away in the West, If my memory serves well- There live a young couple Named Robin and Nell. They courted … Continue reading

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IRISH RAMBLINGS: “The Papisher and the Prod” (A Traditional Irish Rhyme)

> Here is a traditional Irish poem I first heard in the summer of 1994, from authentic Irish shanachie Jim Nolan, in Carlow town before the big boom that transformed it. (Yes, this is him, above- lighting his pipe and … Continue reading

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IRISH RAMBLINGS: “The First Time” (an Irish Rhyme)

. (Here is another gem I heard at a pub in Carolw town, from traditional Irish storyteller Jim Nolan, a master seanchaí in his day! Jim’s telling stories to the angels now… I’ll bet they are wildly entertained!) * I … Continue reading

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QuickPix (7): “Great MUSICALS For You to Savor, Vol. 1”

> Welcome to KPK’s “QuickPix”, a new feature here in KPKworld! > Enjoy brief capsule reviews of very worthy films- not a stinker in the lot. Culled from my monthly compendiums, every title here is a 4 to 5 star … Continue reading

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“KPKworld celebrates 3000 Posts! The Overlooked Gems” (by KPKeelan)

. > 3000 is an impressive number. I congratulate myself! Of course, it took over a decade of nose-to-the-grindstone writing to reach this milestone. A lot of effort, yes- but spread out over a very long time. . I have … Continue reading

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FLIX PIX (423): “Do Not Resist This SONG OF THE SEA”

SONG OF THE SEA (directed by Tomm Moore, 2014) **** (out of 5) . > This Oscar nominee for Best Animated Feature was made by an international consortium in the Republic of Ireland. . Which is appropriate because this bewitching piece … Continue reading

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