Tag Archives: Americans abroad

MY IRISH LASS (4): “Going” (by KPKeelan)

. Previously: The year is 1993. Despite being only the most rudimentary of acquaintances, a 36-year old misanthrope and a 20-year old cutie found themselves planning a joint adventure in Ireland, where his Mother lived. Certainly a huge leap of … Continue reading

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MY IRISH LASS (3): “From Dreams to Reality” (by KPKeelan)

. Altogether, I’ve been across the pond to visit Ireland 14 times. This manuscript covers my first two Irish sojourns. The first segment (MY IRISH LASS) covers the events, impressions and feelings of 17 quick but meaningful days in the … Continue reading

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MY IRISH DIARIES (2): Introduction: “Preconceptions” (by KPKeelan)

. Previously: Altogether, I’ve been across the pond to visit Ireland 14 times. This manuscript covers my first two Irish sojourns. The first segment (MY IRISH LASS) covers the events, impressions and feelings of 17 quick but meaningful days in … Continue reading

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MY IRISH DIARIES (1): “Travels Through Ireland, North & South: Forward/Just DO IT” (by KPKeelan)

. In my lucky life, I’ve managed to cross the big wet pond to visit Ireland 14 times. Halfway through the first trip I knew there was a book in it. I hope you agree. This serialized manuscript covers my … Continue reading

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