DREAMtime-12: “I Never Got My Cookie” (by KPKeelan)



I Never Got My Cookie

> Okay.

. So last night, while I am fitfully asleep- it is election day… The local registrar of voters is running a promotion to encourage a get-out-the-vote effort: Any registered voter who shows up to a local park on election day and “claims” a spot at any of the hundreds of temporary election poles, (like tetherball poles, spaced in a grid about 10 feet apart), will get a free cookie when they cast their ballot. Not much of an incentive, but it sounds like fun, so a few of my gang and I go there.

. It’s crowded! Only a few poles are left, in the very back of the park, and we make it just in time to claim ours. It’s a carnival atmosphere. People are happy and cheerfully tossing frisbees and inflated balloons from pole to pole, like before a concert. Suddenly there is a defining roar coming from behind us: like a thousand Niagra Falls cascading at once! We turn to look and see a horrible sight: four jumbo jets- almost wing to wing, flying parallel and very low to the ground. It’s another 9-11! Terrorists have commandeered commercial airliners and are crashing them into the city in a kamikaze attack! With an horrific shudder they plow into the earth and spill great quantities of jet fuel.

. We run, en mass, but it’s clear thousands have already died. Soon, a tidal wave of the toxic fuel begins to lap at our fleeing feet! We reach a bicycle shop, and I hop on one of the bikes on display and pedal furiously for high ground. It is clear that one tiny spark will ignite a conflagration to rival the pit of Hell. We are all expecting to be consumed by flames at any instant. I peddle up a hill with every ounce of strength I possess. On reaching the summit, I am momentarily airborne- the churning waves of jet fuel lapping at my back tire, as I aim the handlebars for my destination: a church atop the highest hill, a sanctuary where hundreds are fleeing toward in a panicked snake of desperate humanity.

> I awake- just as my tires touch down and realize… I never got my cookie!


© Kevin Paul Keelan and lastcre8iveiconoclast, 2024. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kevin Paul Keelan and lastcre8iveiconoclast with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

About KPKeelan

Fool, Philosopher, Lover & Dreamer, Benign TROUBLEMAKER, King and Jester of KPKworld, an online portal to visual and linguistic mystery, befuddlement and delight.
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