FLIX PIX (798): “A Study of HANNA ARENDT”


(directed by Margarethe von Trott, 2012)
*** (out of 5)


> This small film is a fairly outspoken biopic of the titular German-American journalist who notoriously covered the Adolph Eichmann trial in Jerusalem I 1961, and had the courage (or perhaps naivety) to report her incendiary findings to a reactive world.

. An academic, Ms. Arendt believed that a search to uncover the truth should be blind to politics, and not subject to the arbitrary whims of political-correctness. And I couldn’t agree more. But theory and practice collides when she ventures into dicey territory- appearing to blame the Jews for their own fate during the great, horrible war.

. I recognized capable lead actress Barbara Sukowa from her wonderful turn as Mieze, Franz Biberkopf’s wife in Werner Fassbinder’s epic, nearly 16-hour BERLIN ALEXANDERPLATZ.  Much older here, she is every bit as spunky and appealing as she was in her youth.

– It’s an interesting outing, but the subject is kind of held at arms-length, making this more of a mental headtrip than the emotional journey it should have been.


© Kevin Paul Keelan and lastcre8iveiconoclast, 2021. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kevin Paul Keelan and lastcre8iveiconoclast with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

About KPKeelan

Fool, Philosopher, Lover & Dreamer, Benign TROUBLEMAKER, King and Jester of KPKworld, an online portal to visual and linguistic mystery, befuddlement and delight.
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